
As you know, shipping is one of the most important issues for replica products. With the knowledge and experience of our long years in the sector, we guarantee 100% delivery to all over the world.

How do customs processes work?

You don’t need to worry about customs at all, everything is taken care of by us. We deliver the products directly to your door with the triangular shipment.

Triangular Shipment: With shipping labels specially prepared for the customs of the countries, the product is first sent to another transit country and then shipped to the address of customers.

How can I track the sipping?

When we ship your product, your tracking number is automatically sent to you via email. 

Since the tracking number belongs to the second part of the triangle shipment, that is, shipping from the transit country to your address, it may take 4-7 business days (this is the time it takes for the package to reach the transit country) to start working. 

Will I pay at customs?

No, you will not make any additional payments. We show the fee below the limit on specially prepared shipping labels.

How long does shipping take?

Delivery time varies by country, but usually takes 10-15 business days. The reason why the delivery time is long is that we make triangular shipment.

Is there an expedited shipping option?

Unfortunately not. With expedited shipping, it is not possible for replica products to pass through customs. And here is a tip for you; if any seller claims they can offer fast shipping they are either a scammer or they don’t know what they are doing 🙂

What if my parcel does not reach me for any reason?

Although this probability is very low, some problems may arise because we cannot control the cargo companies 100%. In the slightest problem caused by us, we send you a new one immediately.

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